Personal Accident

This policy provides monetary benefit or compensation for the Insured, the spouse and children in the event of ACCIDENTAL death or dismemberment arising within the period of insurance. The insured may be covered against either death/permanent disability/total temporal disablement and or medical expenses. The personal accident cover also offers the following benefits at no extra cost to the insured.

Free Emergency Rental Cover

The insured is covered for trauma counselling up to a limit of E2 500.00. This must be consequent a serious accident and must be conducted by a registered and practicing psychologist.

Free Funeral Cover

Insured is covered for E5000 in respect of funeral expenses following death in or on the insured vehicle consequent a motor vehicle accident.

Free Emergency Transportation Cover

Over and above mentioned free benefits the insured shall have access to Emergency transportation in the event insured need to be transported to a specialist outside Eswatini for treatment, our policy will provide cover up to E20, 000.00. This shall be subject to insured also covered for medical expenses under same policy. This extension shall act as top-up to whatever amount afforded under medical aid scheme;

Emergency transportation costs: This service (transportation) shall be provided by specified accredited vendors.

Repatriation Expenses Cover

On accidental death of insured, policy shall provide cover for expenses incurred to repatriate insured to country of birth. Cover shall be up to selected limit stated below. Covered shall be at an additional premium.

Under stated benefit policy and grouppersonal accident policy

Limit Premium per Person
E10 000.00 E100.00
E20 000.00 E250.00
E50 000.00 E500.00

Individual personal accident policy

Limit Premium per Person
E10 000.00 E150.00
E20 000.00 E300.00
E50 000.00 E600.00

Specific documents required

  • Copy of National Identity
  • Medical report where insured is above 65 years of age
  • Copy of utility bill as proof of physical residence or copy of affidavit affirming place of residence